For You.

To the love of my life, Giving "you" the best of me is a statement that is seemingly one of endearment.

How can one walk by faith in the transition of unadulterated sin, hurt, pain and misunderstandings, YET serve in a purpose WHILE having days wondering, "Lord do I have to be me?" Can you PLEASE make me SOMEBODY? I MEAN ANYBODY ELSE! Can I PLEASE have a do-over! I am speaking to the person in which "your very being" hurt so badly, but YOU FEEL NO pain! I am talking about that person whose heart was so broken that cutting you would not be an improvement. I am speaking to the person that has allowed satan to penetrate and convince you that the God you serve has left you.

A person who believes that you will never recover is no God, and you should go away somewhere and leave everyone else alone. I am speaking to that person. I mean that if they tried to give you morphine, Tylenol three, or any other magnificent physical pain reliever. The pain would still be there because after the entire VOID that you are striving to fill. Baby, this is only supplied through the working and trying of your FAITH! What I am saying is the pain you feel is like you are in a boxing match! Taking and getting hit after hit, after hit, and the very people you thought would be there for you……..

I want to speak to the mother who feels like life has constantly thrown her down; blow after blow, man after man, circumstance after circumstance, and you are right on edge. I am speaking to the one person who feels like you will not go another day, minute, moment, or week, feeling like your head will never get above water because it will. I mean, I am speaking to the person that deep down you know that the man is no good for you, but because you love a man more than God, you are sinking in sin! I mean a person who thinks that God will not provide! DO YOU KNOW HIM WHEN YOU SEE HIM OR ARE YOU JUST GOING TO SIT THERE AND ALLOW, I MEAN LET YOURSELF DIE!!!!!!!!!!

When you are on the ledge of self-loathing and smothering detainment, and you have forgotten about all the time's GOD NEVER LEFT YOU OR FORSAKE YOU. I mean, can anybody understand that sometimes you have to take a chance amid your hurt! I mean, amid your brokenness, you.

-Lisa @d2dlife1