Anger Series, Pt. 1: ANGER

3-keys of how to identify anger

Anger can appear as life holding you back. And the only way you will begin to live again is by overcoming what hinders you from living.

Key number one is Holding.

Anger can appear as life holding you back. And the only way you will begin to live again is by overcoming what hinders you from living. See, Anger is a form of communication manifested in various ways. Anger appears as frustration, harassment, hurt, injustice, criticism, or threats. Anger does not always include destructiveness, the infliction of harm to another, or causing physical or emotional pain. Yet Anger is personal. Anger can hold you back as well as Anger can propel you forward. Make good choices

Key number two is Count.

Anger can hold you hostage, just as a lack of forgiveness. However, recounting the stories in which you tell yourselves by replaying how a situation or experience occurred while looking at it from a new perspective will help you to become open to listening and hearing the other person's side of things. Listen intently and without judgment. Here is a point to count on, when you feel angry, it usually is connected to unmanifested fear.

Key number three, and your last key for today is Block.

Take time out for yourselves and block out everything. Now use this time to prove something to yourself. Stop trying to prove something to someone else. Prove it to yourselves. Block out negative self-talk. Block out the negative self-image, even if it's for one day, one hour, or one week. And begin inviting your desires back into your life. You see, you do not have time to dream or think about the future when you are preoccupied with angry things and feelings. It is invigorating when you put the same glasses back on BUT with cleaned lenses!!!!

Here's your empowerment quote for today by ― Audre Lorde, who once stated, "When I dare to be powerful, to use my strength in the service of my vision, then it becomes less and less important whether I am afraid."


IG: @d2dlife